Chapter 4 Managing a Report

Selecting object properties to display in a card

A card is the property sheet of an object. Each object type in a model diagram has its own property sheet, which displays in columns the properties that define the object.

In a report, card items print in the form of tables. You can select columns to include in a table using the Card Layout dialog box, which displays the properties included in the property sheet of the selected item.

Extended attributes in card items

You can select extended attributes to display in Card items, if your model has an associated language, DBMS or extended model definition containing extended attributes. For example, extended attributes defined for classes in the object language associated with an OOM are available for selection in a class card.

For more information about extended attributes see the "Managing Profiles" chapter of the Advanced User Documentation .

Steps To select information to display in a card:

  1. Click a Card item in the Report Items pane and select Report→Layout.

    The Card Layout dialog box corresponding to the selected item is displayed. It lists the attribute names available for the table. A check in the Displayed check box indicates a corresponding attribute to include in the table.
  2. Select the Displayed check box to include the attribute in the table.


    Clear the Displayed check box to remove the attribute from the table.
  3. Click OK.

Note   Shortcuts cards
Select the Displayed check box for the Class Name attribute to distinguish shortcuts cards from the other object types cards in the generated report.

Note   Hyperlinks for object cards in HTML report
When you generate an HTML report that contains a diagram graphic and the object cards of the symbols, hyperlinks are created between the diagram symbols and the corresponding object cards. You can click a symbol in the diagram to access the object card that corresponds to it in the HTML page.


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