Chapter 4 Managing a Report

Object-dependent items

Book items provide information about objects in the model. These items have a restricted set of dependent items called object-dependent items.

You can delete and change the order of object-dependent items in the Report Items pane. You cannot insert object-dependent items into object books of a different type.

For example, in the following report structure, the book item Class precedes its object dependent items:

Printing object-dependent items

The report generator prints object-dependent items once for each book item. If an item does not have information for a particular object, it does not appear in the resulting report.

For example if a domain does not have any associated rules or check parameters, the domain description prints directly after the domain card.

All book items have the following object-dependent items:

Dependent item Print format Content
Card List of properties Properties of an object
Description Text paragraph Description of an object
Annotation Text paragraph Annotation of an object

In addition to the items mentioned above, each book item has dependent items related to the object type. For example, a business rule book item has a dependent item for server expression.


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