Chapter 4 Managing a Report

Creating a template from a report section

Once you have created a report section, you can save it as a template. You can use that template to create other reports.

This feature can be useful when you want to create a template with extended attributes or with extended or calculated collections. You begin with creating a report for a model, which has an associated extension (DBMS, language or extended model definition) containing extended attributes or extended or calculated collections. Then you use the Create Template From Section command from the Report menu.

Steps To create a template from a report section:

  1. Click the tab corresponding to the section you want to save as a template.

    The corresponding report displays in the Report Items pane.
  2. Select Report→Create Template From Section.

    The Report Template Editor is displayed. The items which were listed in the Report Items pane of the Report Editor is displayed now in the Template Items pane
  3. Select File→Save.

    A Save As dialog box is displayed.
  4. Type a template name and click Save.

    The next time you create a report, you will be able to use this new template that is available in the List of Report Templates.


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