Chapter 10 Generating a Database from a PDM

Defining an automatic test data generation source for numbers

You have the following options to define generation source parameters for the profile class Number:

Option Description
Random Indicates to generate random data
Sequential Indicates to generate sequential data
From/To Indicates the range for random or sequential data
Step Indicates interval between each sequential number step
Generate decimal numbers Generates decimal numbers
Decimal digits number Indicates the maximum number of decimal places to be generated

Steps To define an automatic data generation source:

  1. Select Model→Test Data Profiles.

    The List of Test Data Profiles appears.
  2. Double-click a test data profile using numbers.

    The Profile properties sheet opens to the General page.
  3. Select the Automatic radio button.
  4. Click the Detail tab.

    The Detail page appears.
  5. Specify test data generation parameters.
  6. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.


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