Chapter 10 Generating a Database from a PDM

Configuring tablespace and storage

Tablespaces and storages are generic objects used to represent specific concepts in those DBMSs that require them.The definition of a tablespace and a storage is DBMS-specific.

Tablespaces and storages indicate the physical location of tables and indexes in a database or storage device. Both terms refer to a named partition that stores tables and indexes:

For some DBMSs, a tablespace can use a specified storage in its definition.

The following table lists the DBMSs that support tablespaces and storages, explains which concept they represent and indicates the commands that implement PowerDesigner tablespace and storage options:

DBMS Tablespace represents... Storage represents...
IBM DB2 UDB Common Server tablespace

create tablespace
buffer pool

create bufferpool
IBM DB2 UDB for OS/390 table space

create tablespace
storage group

create stogroup
Informix NA NA
Ingres NA NA
InterBase NA NA
Microsoft Access NA NA
Microsoft SQL Server NA filegroup

alter database add filegroup...
Oracle tablespace

create tablespace
storage structure (not physical storage)
PostgreSQL NA NA
Sybase ASA database space

create dbspace
Sybase ASE NA segment

Sybase AS IQ database space

create dbspace
Teradata NA NA

Note   Tablespace or storage not applicable
When tablespace or storage options are not applicable for a DBMS, the corresponding model menu item is grayed.


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