Chapter 10 Generating a Database from a PDM

Generating a Microsoft Access 97 database

PowerDesigner and MS Access 97 use .DAT files to exchange information. These files are created from the PDM files via the script generation. The access.mdb database uses or creates .DAT files to generate or reverse Access databases.

You can define the database generation parameters from the access.mdb database window.

Steps To generate an MS Access database from a PowerDesigner PDM:

  1. Generate the database script from PowerDesigner.
  2. Double-click access.mdb in the PowerDesigner \tools directory.
  3. Select Generate Access Database from PowerDesigner Script File.
  4. Type the destination database in the Select Database box.
  5. Type the file created by PowerDesigner in the PowerDesigner File.
  6. Click on the Create button.


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