Chapter 3 Building Physical Diagrams

Indicating data type, length, and precision

The data types that you can select in a Physical diagram depend on your current DBMS.

Length and precision

The properties length and precision do not apply to all data types. Depending on data type, length may indicate a maximum or a fixed number of characters.

In the list of available data types, a variable indicates where you have to type a length or precision, as follows:

Variable Replace with
%n Length
%s Length with precision
%p Decimal precision

For example, if you are using Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere and you choose the data type

, you can choose a length of ten by typing

Undefined data type

All target DBMS allow you to select the <undefined> data type. The <undefined> data type indicates which domains remain without data types. If an <undefined> data type is present when you generate your database, it is replaced by the default data type for your database.


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