Chapter 3 Building Physical Diagrams

Creating a domain in a PDM

You create a domain from the list of domains.

Note   Accessing the List of Domains
You can access the List of Domains from the current model, or by right clicking the appropriate model node in the Browser, and selecting
New→Domain from the contextual menu.

Steps To create a domain in a PDM:

  1. Select Model→Domains to display the list of available domains.
  2. Click a blank line in the list.


    Click the Add a Row tool.

    An arrow appears at the beginning of the line.
  3. Type a domain name and a domain code.
  4. Click Apply to commit the creation of the new domain.
  5. Click the new domain line to display an arrow at the beginning of the line.
  6. Click the Properties tool.


    Double-click the arrow at the beginning of the line.

    The property sheet for the new domain appears.
  7. Select a data type.

    Specify length and precision as required.

    Select or clear the Mandatory, Identity, and With Default check boxes.

    For information on data types and selecting a data type for a domain, see sections Indicating data type, length, and precision, and Selecting a data type for a domain in a PDM.
  8. Click OK.

    You return to the List of Domains.
  9. Click OK.


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