Chapter 3 Building Physical Diagrams

Defining additional check parameters for objects in a PDM

You can write an SQL statement using the following standard variables defined as standard check parameters and validation rules:

Variable Description
%MINMAX% Minimum and maximum values defined in Values groupbox on Standard Checks page
%LISTVAL% Customized values defined in List Values groupbox on Standard Checks page
%RULES% Validation rule expression defined on Expression page of the Rules property sheet

You define additional check parameters for data constraints where standard check parameters are not sufficient.


A table in a data model for a clothing shop may contain check parameters defined for a column SIZE, which depend on the check parameters defined on another column CLOTHING TYPE, as clothing size for a skirt in one country may be different from the same size in another country.

In this case an expression is required to create a constraint which uses check parameters defined for both columns.

Steps To define additional check parameters:

  1. Select Model→Domains.


    Select Model→Columns.

    The List of Domains or List of Columns appears.
  2. Click a domain in the list.


    Click a column in the list.

    An arrow appears at the beginning of the line.
  3. Click the Properties tool.


    Double-click the arrow at the beginning of the line.

    The property sheet for the domain or column appears.
  4. Click the Additional Checks tab.

    The Additional Checks page appears.
  5. Type SQL expression using the variables %MINMAX%, %LISTVAL%, and %RULES%.
  6. Click OK.


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