Chapter 3 Building Physical Diagrams

Setting standard check parameters for objects in a PDM

Standard parameters indicate common data constraints. The following table lists standard parameters:

Parameter Description
Minimum Lowest acceptable numeric value
Maximum Highest acceptable numeric value
Default Value selected from a list of default values or typed in the listbox. The list of values is defined in the Script\Keywords\ReservedDefault entry of the DBMS definition file
Format Data format (for example, 9999.99)
Unit Standard measure
Lowercase Forces all alphabetical characters to lowercase
Uppercase Forces all alphabetical characters to uppercase
Cannot Modify Protects from changes, results in a non-modifiable column in the table when generated in the database
List of Values Authorized values
Label String that identifies an authorized value in the list

For more information on defaults, see section Defining defaults in a PDM.

Steps To set standard parameters:

  1. Select Model→Domains.


    Select Model→Columns.

    The List of Domains or List of Columns appears.
  2. Click a domain in the list.


    Click a column in the list.

    An arrow appears at the beginning of the line.
  3. Click the Properties tool.


    Double-click the arrow at the beginning of the line.

    The property sheet for the domain or column appears.
  4. Click the Standard Checks tab.

    The Standard Checks page appears.
  5. Type your choice of Standard Parameters.
  6. Click OK.

For more information on additional check parameters, see section Defining additional check parameters for objects in a PDM.

For more information on validation rules, see section Using a validation rule in check parameters in a PDM.

For more information on quotation marks, see section Managing quotation marks around values.


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