Chapter 7 Linking and Synchronizing Models in PowerDesigner

Understanding the shortcut concept

In PowerDesigner, you can reference an object defined in another model. When you modify the definition of the referenced object, all its occurrences called shortcuts are updated in the different models.

A Shortcut is an object that represents and references a target object in a model called target model. Usually, this model is not a working model but rather a library of reusable objects. You copy target objects from the target model, and paste them as shortcuts in a referencing model.

Using shortcuts means you do not have to duplicate objects and ensures object synchronization provided the target model is open. The shortcut uses the name, code, type and Id of the target object and is automatically updated when the definition of the target object is modified. When the target model is closed in the current workspace, the shortcut is an empty object.

To address the update problem You can copy the target object and paste it as a shortcut in the different models where it is needed.

To address the reusability problem You create a target object and reuse it in different models. Local objects will inherit the properties of the target object via its shortcut.


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