Chapter 5 Object Languages Reference Guide

Object language properties

The object language editor contains the following categories that include properties specific to each supported object language:

Category Description
Settings Contains data types, constants, namings, and events categories used in the OOM
Generation Contains generation objects with options and command scripts defined in the .XOL file
Profile Contains templates, stereotypes, extended attributes for generation
Transformation profile Contains a group of transformations used during model generation

An object language has a property page available when you click the root node in the tree view of the object language editor. It includes the following properties:

Property Description
Name Name of the object language
Code Code of the object language
File Name Path and name of the object language file. This box is filled when the object language is shared. If the object language is a copy, the box is empty. You cannot modify the content of this box
Family Classification used to imply a certain behavior in the object model. In PowerDesigner, the family is used to enable certain features in the model, such features do not exist by default in the standard OOM. See example below
Subfamily Sub-classification that may be combined with the family classification to imply a certain behavior in the object language
Enable Trace Mode Displays the generation templates used for the generated text in the Preview page of object property sheets
Comment Additional information about the object language

Family and subfamily

The Family and Subfamily properties imply certain behaviors in the object language. For example, object languages of the Java, XML, IDL and PowerBuilder families support reverse engineering.

If you select File→Reverse Engineer→Object Language, you can verify that only object languages from these families are available in the Object Language dropdown listbox in the Choose Targets dialog box.

The subfamily is used to fine tune the features defined for a given family: for example, in the Java family, the J2EE subfamily allows you to handle Enterprise Java beans or makes it possible to create servlets and JSP.

Java EJB subfamily

If you work on a Java OOM created in version 9.0, the subfamily of Java is EJB 2.0 and it supports EJB. In version 9.5, the subfamily of Java has become J2EE, it supports J2EE components (servlets, JSPs and EJB).

You should use the new Java object language provided with the current version to use J2EE components. If you had customized the Java object language in the previous version, you have to apply these changes manually in the new Java object language.

Enable trace mode

The Enable Trace mode check box allows you to preview which templates are used during generation. Before starting the generation, click the Preview page of the object involved in the generation to see these templates, and hit the Refresh tool to display these templates.

When you double-click on a trace line from the Preview page, the corresponding template definition is displayed in the object language editor in the Profile\Object\Templates category where it is located. The code of the template may appear with distinct colors.

For more information on these colors, see paragraph Syntactic coloring in section Generated Files category.


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