Chapter 4 Managing Profiles
Creating a stereotype
You create one or several stereotypes for a given metaclass. You cannot create a stereotype within another stereotype or within a criterion.
To create a stereotype:
- Right-click a metaclass and select New→Stereotype in the contextual menu.
A new stereotype is created with a default name.
- Type a stereotype name in the Name box.
- (optional) Select a parent stereotype in the Parent list.
- (optional) Select the Use as metaclass check box if you want to create a sub-classification within the current metaclass.
- (optional) Define an icon for the stereotype using the Browse for icon and tool cursor file tool.
- (optional) Select the Palette Custom Tool check box to associate a tool to the stereotype, this tool corresponds to the selected icon.
- (optional) Type a default name in the Default Name box if you want to create a naming template for objects with current stereotype.
Once you have created the stereotype, you can define extensions like a custom tool, or custom checks for the stereotype. These extensions will apply to the metaclass instances with the stereotype.
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