Chapter 3 DBMS Reference Guide


Identity keyword entry support. Identity columns are serial counters maintained by the database (for example Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server).

Value Result
Yes Enables the Identity check box in the column property sheet
No The Identity check box does not appear in the column property sheet

When the Identity check box is selected, the Identity keyword is generated in the script after the column data type. An identity column is never a null column: when checking the Identity check box, the Mandatory check box is automatically selected.

PowerDesigner ensures that:


In Sybase AS Enterprise 11.x:


The employee number column is an identity, the following script is generated:

create table EMPLOYEE
    EMPNUM      numeric(5)             identity,
    EMP_EMPNUM  numeric(5)             null    ,
    DIVNUM      numeric(5)             not null,
    EMPFNAM     char(30)               null    ,
    EMPLNAM     char(30)               not null,
    EMPFUNC     char(30)               null    ,
    EMPSAL      numeric(8,2)           null    ,
    constraint PK_EMPLOYEE primary key (EMPNUM)

Note   Changing the contents of IDENTITY
During generation, the identity variable contains "identity" but you can easily change the Identity keyword using the following syntax when needed: [%IDENTITY%?new identity keyword]


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