Chapter 3 DBMS Reference Guide


Allows the use of predefined default values.

Value Result
Yes The default value is generated for columns when the default value is defined. The default value can be defined in the check parameters for each column. The %DEFAULT% variable will contain the default value

Default Value check box for columns must be selected in the Tables & Views tab of the Database Generation box
No The Default Value check box for columns in the Tables and Views tab of the Database Generation box is grayed. The default value can not be generated


In SQL Anywhere 5.5:

EnableDefault = YES 

where the default value for the column employee function EMPFUNC is Technical Engineer, the generated script is:

create table EMPLOYEE
    EMPNUM      numeric(5)            not null,
    EMP_EMPNUM  numeric(5)                    ,
    DIVNUM      numeric(5)            not null,
    EMPFNAM     char(30)                      ,
    EMPLNAM     char(30)              not null,
    EMPFUNC     char(30)                      
        default 'Technical Engineer',
    EMPSAL      numeric(8,2)                  ,
    primary key (EMPNUM)


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