For complete installation and migration instructions, see the Sybase IQ Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun Solaris. Be sure to read the section “Before you install” before installing Sybase IQ 12.6.
Sybase IQ 12.6 enforces check constraints. If
you have existing check constraints, see the section “Before
you install” in the chapter “Installing Sybase IQ” in
the Sybase IQ Installation and Configuration Guide before installing.
“Before you install” also contains important information on upgrading LONG BINARY columns.
You must upgrade all existing databases after installing Sybase IQ 12.6, by running ALTER DATABASE UPGRADE. See the section “Upgrading databases to Version 12.6” for more information about ALTER DATABASE UPGRADE.
Before you run a new version of Sybase IQ, see “Restrictions” for the most current requirements. This section includes installation and migration information that is new for this release or needs emphasis.
Subsequent sections include installation and migration information that needs emphasis or is new for this release.
Sybase strongly recommends that you check the online support Web site for software updates to these components before you install the software. If a software update (ESD or EBF) has been released, it contains bug fixes made after this product shipped. You must download the latest update and install it after installing IQ from the product CD. See “Sybase EBFs and software maintenance”.