Database and IQ Store Path Information

Type the full path (directory specification) for the database file. This path should be on a local file system. Sybase does not recommend placing database files on shared file systems. If the host where the new database is to be created is the local host, then you may use the Browse buttons to locate directories for your path.

NoteFolder and file names are case sensitive on UNIX systems.

Type the full path to the IQ file. This is the main segment file containing the Sybase IQ data. Make certain that the database path is on a device large enough to accommodate some growth. If no path is given, Sybase IQ uses the path to the database file.

If you plan to use multiplex functionality, this path must be visible to all database hosts for multiplex databases, and a raw device is required. For more information, see “Before creating a multiplex database”in Chapter 5, “Working with Database Objects,” Sybase IQ System Administration Guide.

Shown is the database path window with two text boxes to specify path to database file and path to main IQ store and a checkbox for raw device

Raw device naming on UNIX systems

On UNIX devices, raw device names have various formats specific to a particular operating system. Check your operating system documentation for the correct format. For example:


Raw device naming for Windows systems

On Windows systems, raw devices may be named by specifying the drive letter. For example:


Do not supply the “\\.\” in the device name when using Sybase Central.

For more information about naming raw devices, see, Chapter 5, “Working with Database Objects” in Sybase IQ System Administration Guide.

If you have no raw device, deselect the raw device option.

Click Next.