Managing connected users

The Connected Users tab displays all users connected to the current database.

The next example shows how to create new connections to the sample database and view them using Sybase Central.

StepsCreating and viewing connections

  1. Select the database in the left pane and click the Connected Users tab in the right pane.

  2. Right-click the server name in Sybase Central’s left panel. From the submenu, choose Interactive SQL.

    Shown is the Sybase Central window
  3. Repeat the previous step. The screen automatically refreshes.

  4. The right pane should now shows two more connected users. Each user is identified by a Connection ID assigned by the server.

StepsDisconnecting users from a database

  1. Select the desired user to disconnect by clicking the Conn ID.

  2. Right-click the Conn ID or Alt+F, D and choose Disconnect.

StepsDisconnecting your current connection

  1. Click the Disconnect toolbar button Shown is the disconnect toolbar button or choose Tools > Disconnect.

  2. If your connection is the only active one, you will be disconnected immediately with no prompts. If there are multiple active connections to multiple servers, a disconnect dialog box appears and you must verify the connection desired.