Adaptive Server Anywhere and Sybase IQ do not support the following Adaptive Server Enterprise system functions as they are specific to Adaptive Server Enterprise administration:
curunreservedpgs() – number of pages free on a dbspace.
data_pgs() – number of pages used by a table or index.
host_id() – UNIX pid of the server process.
hos_name() – name of the machine on which the server is running.
lct_admin() – manages the “last chance threshold” for Transaction manager.
reserved_pgs() – number of pages allocated to a table or index.
rowcnt() – number of rows in the specified table.
valid_name() – whether a name would be a valid name if used, for example, for a table.
valid_user() – returns TRUE if that user has connect permissions.
ptn_data_pgs() – number of data pages in a partition.
index_colorder() – returns the column order in an index.