Sybase IQ currently supports these OLAP functions: Dense_Rank(), Grouping(), Ntile(), Percent_Rank(), Percentile_Cont(), Percentile_Disc(), Rank(), StdDev(), Stddev_Pop, Stddev_Samp, Var_Pop, Var_Samp, and Variance().
Adaptive Server Anywhere supports all of the Sybase IQ OLAP functions, plus Corr(), Covar_Pop(), Covar_Samp(), Cume_Dist, Regr_Avgx(), Regr_Avgy(), Regr_Intercept(), Regr_Slope(), Regr_Sxx(), Regr_Sxy(), and Regr_Syy().
Currently, Adaptive Server Enterprise does not support OLAP functions.
CIS functional compensation does not support OLAP functions.
Support for OLAP functions is a rapidly evolving area
of Sybase product development. For more information, see Chapter 5, “SQL Functions.” Also see Chapter
4, “Using OLAP” in the Sybase IQ Performance and Tuning Guide.