sa_make_object system procedure


Used in a SQL script, ensures that a skeletal instance of an object exists before executing an ALTER statement that provides the actual definition.


sa_make_object ( objtype, objname [, owner [, tabname ] )
object-type: ‘procedure’ | ‘function’ | ‘view’ | ‘trigger


Resource authority required to create or modify database objects.

See also

“sa_db_info system procedure”


This procedure is particularly useful in scripts or command files that are run repeatedly to create or modify a database schema. A common problem in such scripts is that the first time they are run, a CREATE statement must be executed, but subsequent times an ALTER statement must be executed. This procedure avoids the necessity of querying the system tables to find out whether the object exists.

To use the procedure, follow it by an ALTER statement that contains the entire object definition.

You can also use the sa_make_object system procedure to add a skeleton Web service.

CALL sa_make_object( 'service','my_web_service' )

Table 10-55 lists the meaning of the sa_make_object parameters.

Table 10-55: sa_make_object options

Option name



The type of object being created. The parameter must be one of 'procedure', 'function', 'view', 'service', or 'trigger'.


The name of the object to be created.


The owner of the object to be created. The default value is CURRENT USER.


Required only if objtype is 'trigger', in which case it specifies the name of the table on which the trigger is to be created.
