CREATE TABLE SYS.SYSIQJOINIXCOLUMN ( joinindex_id UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL, left_table_id UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL, left_column_id UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL, join_type CHAR(4) NOT NULL, right_table_id UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL, right_column_id UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL, order_num UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL, left_order_num UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL, right_order_num UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL, key_type CHAR(8) NOT NULL, coalesce CHAR(1) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( joinindex_id, left_table_id, left_column_id, right_table_id, right_column_id ) )
The rows of SYSIQJOINIXCOLUMN describe the columns that explicitly participate in a join index.
joinindex_id Corresponds to a join index value in SYSIQJOININDEX.
left_table_id Corresponds to a table value in SYSTABLE that forms the left side of the join operation.
left_column_id Corresponds to a column value in SYSCOLUMN that is part of the left side of the join.
join_type Only value currently supported is “=”.
right_table_id Corresponds to a table value in SYSTABLE that forms the right side of the join operation.
right_column_id Corresponds to a column value in SYSCOLUMN that is part of the right side of the join.
left_order_num For internal use.
right_order_num For internal use.
key_type Defines the type of join on the keys. ‘NATURAL’ is a natural join, ‘KEY’ is a key join, ‘ON’ is a left outer/right outer/full join.