CREATE TABLE SYS.SYSIQJOININDEX ( joinindex_id UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL, jvt_id UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL, joinindex_name CHAR(128) NOT NULL, joinindex_type CHAR(12) NOT NULL, creator UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL, join_info_location BINARY(16) NOT NULL, join_info_loc_size UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL, join_info_size UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL, block_map BINARY(32) NOT NULL, block_map_size UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL, vdo BINARY(256) NOT NULL, vdo_size UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL, commit_txn_id XACT_ID NOT NULL, txn_id XACT_ID NOT NULL, valid CHAR(1) NOT NULL, remarks LONG VARCHAR, PRIMARY KEY ( joinindex_id ), UNIQUE ( jvt_id, commit_txn_id, txn_id ) )
Each row of SYSIQJOININDEX describes one IQ join index in the database.
joinindex_id Each join index is assigned a unique number that is the primary key for SYSIQJOININDEX.
joinindex_name Defines the name of the join index.
joinindex_type For internal use.
creator The number of the user that created the join index. The name of the user can be found by looking in SYSUSERPERM.
join_info_location For internal use.
join_info_loc_size For internal use.
join_info_size For internal use.
block_map_size For internal use.
commit_txn_id For internal use.
valid Indicates whether this join index needs to be synchronized. Y indicates that it does not require synchronization, N indicates that it does require synchronization.