Generating the Corresponding Java Web Service for Sybase WorkSpace

The Web service generation allows you to create the following files:

  • A svc_java file that defines the Java Web service

  • A .java file for the implementation of the Java Web service

  • A .project file for creating a Java project if it does not exist

  • A .classpath file for defining Java libraries in a Java project

When you generate in PowerDesigner, you use the Generate Java Code command.

When you generate using the PowerDesigner Eclipse plugin, you also use the Generate Java Code command:

  • If the project does not exist it will be automatically added in Eclipse

  • If the project already exists, it will be refreshed to show the new files

  1. Select Language > Generate Java code .

    The Generation dialog box is displayed.

  2. Type a destination directory in the Directory box or use the Select a path button.
  3. Make sure the Sybase WorkSpace IDE is selected in the Targets tab.
  4. Click OK.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: