Database Packages (Oracle)

In Oracle, packages encapsulate related procedures, functions, and associated cursors and variables together as a unit in the database. Packages usually have two parts, a specification and a body. The specification is the interface with your applications; it declares the types, variables, constants, exceptions, cursors, and subprograms available for use. The body fully defines cursors and subprograms, and so implements the specification.

Packages provide advantages in the following areas:

You can generate and reverse engineer database packages in the same way as other database objects (see Generating and Reverse-Engineering Databases). When you reverse engineer a database package, the sub-objects (variable, procedure, cursor, exception, and type) are created from the specification and the body of the database package.

Creating a Database Package

You can create a database package in any of the following ways:
  • Select Model > Database Packages to access the List of Database Packages, and click the Add a Row tool.

  • Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New > Database Package.

Database Package Properties

You can modify an object's properties from its property sheet. To open a database package property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its Browser entry in the Database Packages folder.

The following properties are available on the General tab:




The name of the item which should be clear and meaningful, and should convey the item's purpose to non-technical users.


The technical name of the item used for generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and should not generally include spaces.


Additional information about the database package.


Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-defined.


Specifies the name of the database package owner, which you choose from the list of users.


Lets you specify whether the functions and procedures in the database package execute with the privileges and in the schema of the user who owns it (definer), or with the privileges and in the schema of CURRENT_USER (invoker).


Specifies the table with which the database package is associated.


Specifies the template on which the database package is based (see Database Package Templates). If you use a template, then the remaining tabs of the property sheet will be completed by the template. If you make any modifications to the other tabs, then the User-Defined button to the right of the field is depressed and the package is detached from the template and will no longer be automatically updated when you modify the definition of the table with which it is associated.
The following tabs are also available:
  • Procedures – Lists the procedures associated with the database package (see Database Package Procedures).

  • Variables - Lists the variables associated with the database package (see Database Package Variables).

  • Cursors - Lists the cursors associated with the database package (see Database Package Cursors).

  • Exceptions – Lists the exceptions associated with the database package (see Database Package Exceptions).

  • Types - Lists the types associated with the database package (see Database Package Types).

  • Initialization - Lets you define initialization code for the database package body. Typically initialization holds statements that initialize database package variables. Initialization takes place after database package creation and compilation in the server.

  • Preview - Displays the SQL code that will be generated for the database package.