Creating a Join Index in the List of Join Indexes

If you need to create more join indexes than those automatically created by the rebuild process, you can use the list of join indexes.


The following procedure shows how to create a join index in its simplest form: using one reference at a time. Once you become familiar with join index creation, you can select several references at once to reflect a more complex query plan.

  1. Select Model > Join Indexes to open the List of Join Indexes.
  2. Click the Add a Row tool, type a name in the Name column, and then click the Properties tool to open the property sheet of the new join index.
  3. Click the References tab to display the list of references of the join index. The list is empty when you create a new join index.
  4. Click the Add References tool to open a selection box listing all the available references in the PDM, select a reference, and then click OK to add it to the Join Index references list:

  5. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes to complete the creation of the join index.