IQ Join Indexes

A join index is a special type of index used in Sybase AS IQ, which represents a full outer join of two or more tables. The query engine may use this full outer join as a starting point for queries that include left outer, right outer, and inner joins. A full outer join is one where all rows from both the left and right specified tables are included in the result, with NULL returned for any column with no matching value in the corresponding column.

Join indexes are defined from references. You can create a join index for any set of columns that your users commonly join to resolve queries.

While some references are based on keys, Sybase AS IQ allows you to create user-defined references to include the exact join required by your foreseen queries.

You can define a join index:

Facts and Dimensions

A fact corresponds to the focus of a decision support investigation. For example, Sales, Revenue, and Budget are facts. A table containing facts is set as a fact table in the table property sheet.

A dimension defines the axis of the investigation of a fact. For example, Product, Region, and Time are the axes of investigation of the Sales fact. A table containing dimensions is linked to a fact table and is set as a dimension table in the table property sheet.

For more information about setting table properties, see Table Properties.