Generating the Remote Server and Proxy Tables Creation Scripts

You can generate the remote server and proxy tables creation scripts in order to run them in the database. Generation must be started from the model containing proxy tables.

The ProxyTables extended model definition contains the creation script syntax for ASA or ASE.

  1. Select Tools > Proxy Tables > GenerateProxy Tables to open the Generation dialog box, and click the Options tab.
  2. Set a value for the UserReplica and UserShorcut options to allow you to generate the proxy tables corresponding to replica and/or external shortcuts.
  3. Set the Generate proxy servers option to one of the following values:

    • True – to generate proxy servers. You can deselect any proxy servers you do not want to generate.

    • False – to not generate proxy servers

  4. Click OK to begin generation.

    The generated script is displayed in the Result dialog box.

  5. [optional] Double-click the generated SQL file or click the Edit button to open the script in a text editor.
  6. Run the script on your database in order to create the proxy tables.