Rebuilding Trigger and Procedure Dependencies

Trigger and procedure dependencies are rebuilt automatically after the following actions:

  • Importing a PDM created with a former version of PowerDesigner

  • Reverse engineering a database into a PDM

  • Merging PDMs

You can also manually rebuild trigger and procedure dependencies at any time.

  1. Select Tools > Rebuild Objects > Rebuild Triggers and Procedures Dependencies to open the Procedures Dependencies window.
  2. Specify a rebuild mode for each of Procedures and Triggers. You can choose between the following options:

    • Delete and Rebuild – all triggers and/or procedures attached to templates are deleted and rebuilt, including those to which you have made modifications

    • Preserve – only those triggers and/or procedures attached to templates that have not been modified are deleted and rebuilt. Any triggers and/or procedures that you have modified are preserved.

  3. [optional] Click the Selection tab and specify the tables, views, procedures, and (for Oracle only) database packages for which you want to rebuild dependencies. By default all are selected.
  4. Click OK to begin the rebuild process.