When you write a trigger or procedure, PowerDesigner automatically creates dependencies to any table, view, procedure, or database package referenced in the code. These dependencies are taken into account when performing an impact analysis prior to deleting the trigger or procedure or objects on which they depend. For procedures, if the procedure has a symbol in your diagram, then any dependencies will be shown graphically by way of arrows linking the procedure to these objects.
The diagram below shows a procedure, ProcChangeLocation, which is dependent on a number of other objects:
The Extended Dependencies tab of the trigger or procedure property sheet lists the objects upon which it depends. The stereotype <<DBCreateAfter (computed)>> specifies that PowerDesigner has determined that the trigger or procedure can only be created after these objects.
The Dependencies tab of the Employee table property sheet shows that ProcChangeLocation is dependent upon it.
If you were to perform an impact analysis prior to deleting the Employee table, you would be warned of the dependency of the procedure upon it.