Defining Default Physical Options

Default physical options define physical options for all the objects of a particular type in the model.

The default physical options are stored in the DBMS definition file (see Specifying the PDM DBMS).

The values you assign for default physical options can be included in a database creation script that you generate from a PDM, or can be directly generated in the target database. You select the appropriate default physical options from the Selection tab of the Database Generation dialog box. Physical option default values can also be reverse engineered from a database into a PDM.

You can view the script for a physical option in the Preview tab for the object for which it is defined.

  1. Select Database > Default Physical Options to display the Default Physical Options dialog box. There is a tab for each kind of object that supports physical options. The Table tab opens by default:

  2. The Syntax tab in the left pane lists the physical options available in the DBMS, and the right pane contains the physical options that have been selected for the object.
  3. To add an option for the object, select it in the list in the Syntax pane and click the Add tool between the panes to copy it to the Items pane. To add only a sub-parameter for the option, expand the option in the Syntax pane, select the required parameter and then click the Add tool.
  4. To set a value for a physical option parameter, select the parameter in the list in Items pane and enter or select the appropriate value in the field that is displayed below the pane. The entered value will then be displayed against the parameter in the Items list.

  5. Repeat the above steps as many times as necessary to specified all your required physical options. By default, these options will be applied to all tables in the model. To specify that the options should apply to only certain of the existing tables, click the Apply to button to display a selection dialog. Select the tables that you want to apply the options to from the list and then click OK.
  6. Select the other tabs to specify physical options for other option types. (Note that the Apply to button is not available on the Database tab).
  7. Click OK to close the Default Physical Options dialog box.

The following tools are available for adding and removing physical options to an object:


Action when clicked

Adds physical option selected in Syntax tab (left pane) to Items tab (right pane)

Aligns a selected physical option in the Items tab with the corresponding physical option in the Syntax tab

Removes physical option selected in Items tab