Specifying the PDM DBMS

PowerDesigner can be used with many different DBMSs. Each supported DBMS has its own DBMS definition file, which provides PowerDesigner with the syntax for generating databases, triggers, and stored procedures for a that DBMS.

For more information on the DBMS definition file, see the DBMS Resource File Reference chapter in the Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner manual.


Some resource files are delivered with "Not Certified" in their names. Sybase will perform all possible validation checks, however Sybase does not maintain specific environments to fully certify these resource files. Sybase will support the definition by accepting bug reports and will provide fixes as per standard policy, with the exception that there will be no final environmental validation of the fix. Users are invited to assist Sybase by testing fixes of the definition provided by Sybase and report any continuing inconsistencies.