Modifies the default database, default language, default role activation, login script, full name, the password expiration interval, the minimum password length, and the maximum number of failed logins allowed for a specified Adaptive Server login account.
sp_modifylogin {loginame | "all overrides"}, option, value
is the login account to be modified.
removes the system overrides that were set using the "passwd expiration", "min passwd length", or "max failed_logins" parameters. To remove all the login-specific values, specify:
sp_modifylogin "all overrides", "option", "-1"
specifies the name of the option to be changed. Table 1-16 lists valid options and their descriptions.
Option |
Definition |
authenticate with |
Authenticates the login. Specify these values:
defdb |
The “home” database to which the user is connected when he or she logs in. |
deflanguage |
The official name of the user’s default language. |
fullname |
The user’s full name. |
"add default role" |
The role or roles to be activated by default at login. |
"drop default role" |
The role or roles to be dropped from the list of roles activated by default at login. This option affects only user-defined roles, not system roles. |
"passwd expiration" |
specifies the password expiration interval in days. It can be any value between 0 and 32767, inclusive. The password expires when the number of specified days passes. For example, if you create a new login on August 1, 2007 at 10:30 AM, with a password expiration interval of 30 days, the password expires on August 31, 2007 at 10:30 AM. |
"min passwd length" |
The minimum password length required for the specified login. It can be any value between 0 and 30, inclusive. 0 specifies that no password is required. The default is 6. |
"max failed_logins" |
The number of failed login attempts that causes the specified login to be locked. When you set “max failed_login” to:
login script |
Name of the stored prodecure to run automatically when user logs in. |
is the value of the option you specified for the option parameter. The value parameter is a character datatype; therefore, quotes are required for positive and negative numeric values.
Changes the default database for “sarah” to pubs2:
sp_modifylogin sarah, defdb, "pubs2"
Sets the default language for “claire” to French:
sp_modifylogin claire, deflanguage, "french"
Changes the full name of user “clemens” to “Samuel Clemens”:
sp_modifylogin clemens, fullname, "Samuel Clemens"
Adds the specialist role to the list of roles activated by default when user csmith logs in:
sp_modifylogin csmith, "add default role", specialist_role
Drops the intern role from the list of roles activated by default when user “hpillai” logs in:
sp_modifylogin hpillai, "drop default role", intern_role
Changes the maximum number of failed login attempts for the login “joe” to 40:
sp_modifylogin "joe", "max failed_logins", "40"
Changes the overrides for maximum failed login attempts of all logins with overrides to 3:
sp_modifylogin "all overrides", "max failed_logins", "3"
Removes the overrides for maximum failed logins option for all logins with overrides:
sp_modifylogin "all overrides", "max failed_logins", "-1"
The login account named “nightlyjob” can only authenticate using local ASE authentication, and not an external mechanism such as LDAP or PAM:
sp_modifylogin "nightlyjob", "authenticate with", "ASE"
Runs the proc_p1 script when Bob1 logs in to Adaptive Server:
sp_modifylogin Bob1, 'login script', proc_p1
The “max failed_logins” value -1 value indicates that the failed login count in the syslogins column logincount, is updated whenever an authentication failure occurs, but that the account is not locked. Compare with value 0, which avoids incrementing the column for every failed authentication and avoids locking the account due to authentication failures.
For more information on failed logins see “sp_configure” for changes to maximum failed logins and “sp_passwordpolicy” for changes to maximum failed login configuration options.
Set a default database, language, or full name either with sp_modifylogin or with sp_addlogin when first adding the user’s login to Adaptive Server.
If you do not specify a default database, the user’s default is master.
If you do not specify a language, the user’s default language is set to the server’s default language.
If you do not specify a full name, that column in syslogins remains blank.
If there are any login triggers associated with
the login in question, they are listed after the Auto
Login Script
line. For more information, see in “Row-level
access control” in Chapter 11, “Managing User Permissions” of
the System Administration Guide.
You cannot use double quotes in the script name for the login script option. For example, Adaptive Server issues an error message it you specify a login script named "script"name".
For more information about password expiration interval, minimum password length, and maximum number of failed logins, see “User-Defined Login Security” in the System Administration Guide.
Passing in the value of "clear" for the options "passwd expiration", "min passwd length" and "max failed_logins", with a specific loginame, causes a previous setting of that option for the specific user to be cleared.For example, setting the "passwd expiration" value specific to user "John" causes John’s password to expire in 30 days, even though the system default for passwod expiration is 90 days:
1> sp_modifylogin 'John', 'passwd expiration', 30 2> go
Use the following to clear the "passwd expiration" value specific to user "John":
1> sp_modifylogin 'John', 'passwd expiration', 'clear' 2> go
If you succeed, John’s password expiration becomes the same as the system default from now on, and you see message 19813, which says:
"The login-specific 'passwd expiration' attribute has been removed."
If you use 'clear' to clear a setting for a user that did not have a previous value set, you see message 19812, and the user continues to use the system default for that attribute as before:
"There is no login-specific 'passwd expiration' attribute set for this user."
After sp_modifylogin is executed to change the user’s default database, the user is connected to the new defdb the next time he or she logs in. However, the user cannot access the database until the Database Owner gives the user access through sp_adduser or sp_addalias, or unless there is a “guest” user in the database’s sysusers table. If the user does not have access to the database by any of these means, she or he is connected to master and an error message appears.
If a user’s default database is dropped, or if the user is dropped from the database, the user is connected to master on his or her next login, and an error message appears.
If a user’s default language is dropped from the server, the server-wide default language is used as the initial language setting, and a message appears.
Use sp_modifylogin to set a role to be activated by default at login or to drop a role from those activated by default at login.
Adaptive Server version 15.0.2 includes the following option for sp_modifylogin account:
sp_modifylogin account, "max failed_logins", -1
This new value for the 'max failed_logins' option indicates that the failed login count in the syslogins column login count, is updated whenever an authentication failure occurs, but that the account is not locked. Compare with value 0, which avoids incrementing the column for every failed authentication and avoids locking the account due to authentication failures.
For more information on failed logins see sp_configure for changes to maximum failed logins and sp_passwordpolicy for changes to maximum failed login configuration options.
The authenticate with option to sp_modifylogin or sp_addlogin requires that the login use only a specified authentication mechanism. The supported authentication mechanisms are:
Using authenticate with with these supported authentication mechanisms allows you to override the server-wide configuration parameters unified login required, enable ldap user auth, and enable pam user auth.
If more than one external authentication mechanism is configured and a login-specific authenticate with option has not been set, the external authentication mechanism is based on the following order:
For example, if both PAM and LDAP are configured, LDAP is chosen for external authentication, not PAM.
At the time of authentication, exactly one external authentication mechanism is attempted. Depending on the value of configuration parameters, you can try the “ASE” authentication mechanism when the external authentication fails.When none of the external authentication mechanisms are configured, Adaptive Server uses ASE authentication.
You must have sso_role permissions
to modify the authenticate with option for a
To configure external authentication mechanisms such as Kerberos, LDAP, or PAM, Sybase recommends that you determine the server-wide authentication setting that matches your company’s security policy. This server-wide setting is appropriate for most client connections. Then, you can set individual logins to another authentication mechanism using the authenticate with option.
You can use authenticate with to specify an the external authentication mechanisms Kerberos, LDAP, and PAM. You can also issue sp_modifylogin or sp_addlogin authenticate with to set the authentication mechanism to “ASE” to use only the Adaptive Server internal authentication mechanism. To allow any authentication mechanism, use authenticate with ANY.
When authentication mechanism “ANY” (the
default) is set for a login, the login uses the server-wide configuration
settings to control authentication.
sp_modifylogin also checks for any conflicts with any login mapping specified by a previous sp_maplogin.
Example 1 Creates a local account to run a batch application. Consider an environment that uses Kerberos for a centralized user account repository and requires its general population of users to authenticate using Kerberos, Configure Kerberos by setting these parameters:
sp_configure "use security services", 1 go sp_configure "unified login required", 1 go
These configuration parameters now require all user logins, other than “sa,” to authenticate using Kerberos to gain access to the Adaptive Server.
Now consider a nightly batch operation run by the Adaptive Server database administrator or operator, which may authenticate locally without requiring the account to exist in the Kerberos repository. Use authenticate with option to sp_modifylogin or sp_addlogin:
sp_addlogin nightlybatch, localpassword, ... go sp_modifylogin nightlybatch, 'authenticate with', 'ASE' go
Example 2 This example migrates users from Adaptive Server authentication to LDAP user authenication, using a phased approach for moving clients from local Adaptive Server authentication to LDAP user authentication.The LDAP directory server has been set up but has not yet been populated with all user accounts. A small population of users has agreed to a pilot program to test out LDAP for external authentication to Adaptive Server. To allow failover to ASE authentication when authentication with the LDAP directory server fails or the LDAP server is unavailable, enter:
sp_configure 'enable ldap user auth', 1 go
Users without LDAP accounts fail over to Adaptive Server authentication. The users in the pilot program are automatically added to the LDAP directory server and may begin authenticating using the LDAP directory server.
A user can use the @@authmech global variable to determine which authentication mechanism was used to authenticate with with:
select @@authmech
You can require users in the pilot program to use only LDAP authentication by entering:
sp_maplogin loginame, 'authenticate with', 'ldap' go
If you decide to use LDAP user authentication for all users, change the configuration parameter to level 2. Any logins set to authenticate with LDAP during the pilot program can be reset to the default value “ANY”. Because the configuration parameter is set to 2. “ANY” logins are still required to use LDAP:
sp_configure 'enable ldap user auth', 2 go sp_maplogin loginame, 'authenticate with', 'any' go
If a login has authenticate with set
to a specific authentication mechanism such as LDAP, Kerberos, PAM,
or ASE, that login can use only that mechanism for authentication.
Sybase suggests that you use authentication with to set exceptions
to the server-wide settings and to force a particular authentication mechanism
to be used.
A user can use sp_modifylogin to change their default database, default language, and full name. Only a System Administrator or System Security Officer can execute sp_modifylogin to change the default database, default language, or full name of another user. Only a System Security Officer can execute sp_modifylogin to activate another user’s roles by default at login, change the password expiration interval, the minimum password length, the maximum number of failed logins allowed, and the login script associated with a specified login.
Values in event and extrainfo columns from the sysaudits table are:
Event |
Audit option |
Command or access audited |
Information in extrainfo |
38 |
exec_procedure |
Execution of a procedure |
System procedures sp_activeroles, sp_addalias, sp_addlogin, sp_adduser, sp_displaylogin, sp_displayroles, sp_helprotect,
Commands alter role, create procedure, create role, drop role, grant, revoke, set role