

Returns the binary version of the gtrid component of an ASCII XA transaction ID.


xa_gtrid(xactname, int)



is the ID of an Adaptive Server transaction, obtained from the xactname column in systransactions or from sp_transactions.


is reserved for future use


Example 1

In this typical situation, returns “0x227f06ca80,” the binary translation of the branch qualifier, and “0xb1946cdc52464a61cba42fe4e0f5232b,” the global transaction ID, for the Adaptive Server transaction ID “0000000A_IphIT596iC7bF2#AUfkzaM_8DY6OE0”:

1> select xa_gtrid("0000000A_IphIT596iC7bF2#AUfkzaM_8DY6OE0", 0)
2> go


(1 row affected)

Example 2

xa_bqual is often used together with xa_gtrid. This example returns the global transaction IDs and branch qualifiers from all rows in systransactions where its coordinator column is the value of “3”:

1> select gtrid=xa_gtrid(xactname,0),
    from systransactions where coordinator = 3
2> go







If an external transaction is blocked on Adaptive Server and you are using sp_lock and sp_transactions to identify the blocking transaction, you can use the XA transaction manager to terminate the global transaction. However, when you execute sp_transactions, the value of xactname it returns is in ASCII string format, while XA Server uses an undecoded binary value. Using xa_gtrid thus allows you to determine the gtrid portion of the transaction name in a format that can be understood by the XA transaction manager.

xa_gtrid returns:

Notexa_gtrid does not perform a validation check on the xid, but only returns a translated string.


ANSI SQL – Compliance level: Transact-SQL extension.


Any user can use xa_gtrid.

See also

Functions xa_bqual

Stored procedures sp_lock, sp_transactions