Server programs such as data servers, Replication Servers, and Replication Agents are registered in an interfaces file (sql.ini in Windows and interfaces in UNIX) or a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server so that client applications and other server programs can locate them.
Generally, one interfaces file at each site contains entries for all of the local and remote Replication Servers and data servers. The entry for each server includes its unique name and the network information that other servers and client programs need to connect to it.
Use a text editor to maintain your interfaces file. For information about LDAP servers, see the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1.
If you are using network-based security, available with
Replication Server version 12.0 and later, use the directory services
of your network security mechanism (rather than the interfaces file)
to register Replication Servers, Adaptive Servers, and gateway software.
Refer to the documentation that comes with your network-based security
mechanism for details.