After connecting to Replication Server, RepAgent sends a get maintenance user command to find the login name of the maintenance user for the database. Replication Server updates replicated copies of data as the maintenance user. RepAgent uses the login name to distinguish primary data updates from updates distributed through the replication system.
Changes made by the maintenance user are the result of a distribution, and Replication Server does not redistribute them (except to the warm standby database, if RepAgent is configured to do so using send_warm_standby_xacts).
Changes made to primary data by users other than the maintenance user are primary updates that Replication Server distributes to other databases.
The RepAgent that processes the log of a database containing replicated data must filter out all changes made by the maintenance user.
RepAgent for Adaptive Server can be run in a mode that
does not filter out transactions executed by the maintenance user.
This feature is used when a consolidated replicated table is replicated
to other sites.
Use this syntax for the get maintenance user command:
get maintenance user for data_server.database
Replication Server returns one row with a char(30) column that contains the maintenance user login name for the database.
The following example finds the maintenance user for the pubs2 database in the NY_DS data server:
get maintenance user for NY_DS.pubs2_db
Maintenance_user ------------------------------ pubs2_db_maint