You can configure Replication Server to print messages to the error log and to clients in several languages. The language you choose must be compatible with the chosen character set. English is the default language; it is compatible with all Sybase character sets. See the Replication Server Configuration Guide for your platform for a list of supported languages.
Each server program in your replication system, including Replication Server, Adaptive Server, other data servers, writes messages to its error log in the configured language. However, whether messages are sent to a client in the client’s language depends on the server.
For example, Adaptive Server checks for the language setting of its client (Replication Server) and returns messages in that language. RepAgent, an Adaptive Server thread, also returns messages in the client language.
However, Replication Server do not check for a client’s language; instead, they return messages to a client in their own language. Thus, error logs can contain messages in different languages if the servers are configured in different languages.
To avoid the confusion that can result from a mixed-language
error log, configure the same language setting for all servers and
clients at a given site.
Changing the Replication Server message language
You can change the Replication Server message language using this procedure.
Because RepAgent automatically returns messages in the Replication Server language, you do not have to set a language parameter for RepAgent.
Shutdown the Replication Server.
Using a text editor, change the value of RS_language in the Replication Server configuration file.
Restart Replication Server.