If you are upgrading

If you upgrade to version 12.5 Adaptive Server or higher, pre-12.5 Adaptive Server configuration values for total logical memory, procedure cache percent, and min online engines are used to calculate the new values for procedure cache size and number of engines at startup. Adaptive Server computes the size of the default data cache during the upgrade and writes this value to the configuration file. If the computed sizes of the data cache or procedure cache are less than the default sizes, they are reset to the default. During the upgrade, max memory is set to the value of total logical memory specified in the configuration file. Reset the value of max memory to comply with the resource requirements.

You can use the verify option of sp_configure to verify any changes you make to the configuration file without having to restart Adaptive Server. The syntax is:

sp_configure “configuration file”, 0, “verify”, “full_path_to_file