This section describes issues pertinent to the compress:: option.
If you make a dump with the native compress= option,
it does not require any specific syntax to load..
If you use dump ... compress:: to dump a database or transaction log, you must load this dump using the load ... compress:: option.
The partial syntax for load database ... compress:: and load transaction ... compress:: is:
load database database_name from compress::stripe_device …[stripe on compress::stripe_device]…
load transaction database_name from compress::stripe_device …[stripe on compress::stripe_device]…
The database_name in the syntax is the database you archived, and compress:: invokes the decompression of the archived database or transaction log. archive_name is the full path to the archived database or transaction log that you are loading. If you did not include a full path when you created your dump file, Adaptive Server created a dump file in the directory in which you started Adaptive Server.
If you use the compress:: option, it must be part of the stripe on clause for each dump device. If you use the compress= option, it is used once after the device list. See “Specifying additional dump devices: the stripe on clause” for more information about the stripe on clause.
Do not use the compression_level variable
for the load command.
For complete syntax information about load database and load transaction, see the Reference Manual: Commands.