Identifying heavy-usage users

Before you implement resource limits, run sp_reportstats. The output from this procedure can help you identify users with heavy system usage. For example:

Name    Since         CPU     Percent CPU  I/O     Percent I/O
------  -----------   -----   ------------ -----   -------------
probe   jun 19 2007   0       0%           0       0%
julie   jun 19 2007   10000   24.9962%     5000    24.325%
jason   jun 19 2007   10002   25.0013%     5321    25.8866%
ken     jun 19 2007   10001   24.9987%     5123    24.9234%
kathy   jun 19 2007   10003   25.0038%     5111    24.865%

Total CPU   Total I/O
---------   ---------
40006       20555

The output above indicates that usage is balanced among the users. For more information on chargeback accounting, see “Setting Configuration Parameters” on page 61 and “Setting Configuration Parameters” on page 61.