The Sybase IQ Extended Enterprise Client CD can install both Sybase IQ ETL Development and Sybase IQ Network Client. If you plan to install both, install Sybase IQ ETL Development first. Otherwise, skip to “Installing Sybase IQ Network Client for Windows”.
Installing Sybase IQ ETL
Sybase IQ ETL Development provides client components for Extract/Transform/Load capability, including the GridNode application. (For details, see the ETL User’s Guide for Sybase IQ on the Getting Started CD.) If you do not require ETL capability, choose Sybase IQ Network Client and skip to “Installing Sybase IQ Network Client for Windows”. If you plan to install both products, install Sybase IQ ETL Development first.
Follow the steps in “Running the installation program” using the Sybase IQ Extended Enterprise Client CD.
When prompted to select the component to install, choose Sybase IQ ETL Development and click Next.
Select a setup language and click OK to continue.
Read the welcome screen and click Next.
Read the license agreement. To accept it and continue the install, select “I accept the agreement,” and click Next. To stop the procedure without installing Sybase IQ, click Cancel.
The default location for Sybase IQ ETL Development is C:\Program Files\SYBASE\IQETLDevelop421. To install in the default location, click Next. Otherwise, click Browse to specify a new location. Sybase recommends that installation paths contain only alphanumeric characters.
The default location for the program shortcut is the Start Menu folder Sybase\. To install in the default location, click Next. Otherwise, click Browse to specify a new location.
If you run the installation using an Administrator account, you need to activate the “Install for all users” option. This allows you to launch the application on user accounts with restricted access rights.
When started the first time on a user account, all files
requiring write privileges are copied to the user directory, typically C:\Documents
and Settings\<username>\Application Data\SYBASE\Sybase
IQ ETL Development\421
Depending on the “Install for all users” option,
log files are located in the \log subdirectory
of either the user or the installation directory.
Select check boxes for any additional setup tasks desired. Click Next.
The installation procedure displays specified installation destinations, Start Menu folder selected, and additional tasks specified. Click Install to continue or Back to change the locations or tasks.
View the Readme file and click Next to continue.
The Launch Sybase IQ ETL Development box is selected by default. To avoid automatically launching Sybase IQ ETL Development, clear the box. Click Finish to exit Setup for Sybase IQ ETL Development.
Sybase IQ ETL Development uses the Windows registry to store configuration settings.
the preferences. See “Customizing preferences” in
Chapter 2 in the ETL User’s Guide for Sybase IQ for details.
Repository connection details. See “Administering the repository” in
Chapter 2 in the ETL User’s Guide for Sybase IQ for details)
To allow reusing the settings after upgrading to a new
version of Sybase IQ ETL Development these registry keys are not
removed when uninstalling the product. If required you need to remove
them manually.
To install Sybase IQ Network Client for Windows, perform the following procedure.
Installing Sybase IQ Network
Client for Windows
Sybase IQ Network Client provides components required for operation as a network client.
You can install the Sybase IQ Network Client on many end-user machines, remotely, without displaying dialog boxes or requiring interactive responses. For directions, see “Performing a silent installation”.
Follow the steps in “Running the installation program”.
If installing from the Sybase IQ Extended Enterprise Client CD, choose Sybase IQ Network Client from the products listed and click Next, then click Next after reading the Welcome window.
If installing from the Sybase IQ Network Client CD, read the Welcome window and click Next.
Select the location where you are installing the software and click Next.
Read the License Agreement. To accept, select the I Accept the Terms of this Agreement check box and click Next. To return to a previous screen, click Back. To stop the procedure without installing, click Cancel.
Type your name and your company name in the text boxes on the Customer Information screen and click Next.
Choose Complete or Custom install. The Complete install is recommended for most users. The Custom install lets you select components of products to install.
Products are installed in separate folders under the folder you specify. You can accept the default (C:\Program Files\Sybase), or use the Browse button to select another folder.
Click Next.
For a Complete install, skip to step 10.
For a Custom install, choose products to install. The Products Selection screen lists names and descriptions of products. Required products are automatically selected. Click any checked product to deselect it. Required products vary depending on selections. Products are:
Sybase IQ
Sybase Central Java Edition
Java Runtime Environment
Sybase jConnect JDBC Driver
For Sybase IQ and Sybase Central, a Customize Product screen lets you select desired components. Click Browse to specify a new destination folder. Click Disk Space to calculate available space on other drives and to change the destination drive for installed products.
Click Next when satisfied with selected products.
Before copying the program files, the setup procedure lists the products selected and the target directories where they will be installed. Click Back to make changes or Next to install.
The installation procedure displays a gauge to show the percentage and names of files installed.
It is best to reboot after any program installation,
to ensure that registry and environment settings are correct.
When the installation procedure completes, it prompts you to reboot your system. To reboot your system now, remove the Sybase IQ Extended Enterprise Client CD from the CD drive and click Finish. To reboot at a later time, click “No, I will restart my computer later,” then click Finish.
If you installed Sybase Central, see the Sybase IQ System Administration Guide for instructions on configuring and running the IQ Agent. You must run the IQ Agent to use Sybase Central.