Step 9: Verifying databases after upgrade

Run sp_iqcheckdb to verify the consistency of the upgraded databases. This may produce errors if Step 8 has not been fully completed.

NoteIn this step, you run the IQ 12.6 version of sp_iqcheckdb, which uses input parameters, rather than database options, to specify the type of database consistency checking.

StepsTo run sp_iqcheckdb:

  1. Issue a CHECKPOINT command.

  2. Run sp_iqcheckdb in detailed check mode.

    sp_iqcheckdb 'check database'

    If you run the procedure from Interactive SQL, redirect output to a file by entering sp_iqcheckdb 'check database' >& filename.

  3. Issue a COMMIT statement.

Examine the sp_iqcheckdb report for errors. For information on interpreting the sp_iqcheckdb results and corrective action, refer to the “System Recovery and Database Repair” chapter in the IQ version 12.6 Sybase IQ Troubleshooting and Error Messages Guide. If you need to contact Sybase Technical Support, you must provide the output from sp_iqcheckdb.