Adaptive Server acquires update locks on the pages or rows of all tables that have columns listed in the for update clause of the cursor select statement. If the for update clause is not included in the cursor declaration, all tables referenced in the from clause acquire update locks.
The following query includes the name of the column in the for update clause, but acquires update locks only on the titles table, since price is mentioned in the for update clause. The table uses allpages locking. The locks on authors and titleauthor are shared page locks:
declare curs3 cursor for select au_lname, au_fname, price from titles t, authors a, titleauthor ta where advance <= $1000 and t.title_id = ta.title_id and a.au_id = ta.au_id for update of price
Table 8-4 shows the effects of:
Omitting the for update clause entirely—no shared clause
Omitting the column name from the for update clause
Including the name of the column to be updated in the for update clause
Adding shared after the name of the titles table while using for update of price
In this table, the additional locks, or more restrictive locks for the two versions of the for update clause are emphasized.
Clause |
titles |
authors |
titleauthor |
None |
sh_page on data |
sh_page on index sh_page on data |
sh_page on data |
for update |
updpage on index updpage on data |
updpage on index updpage on data |
updpage on data |
for update of price |
updpage on data |
sh_page on index sh_page on data |
sh_page on data |
for update of price + shared |
sh_page on data |
sh_page on index sh_page on data |
sh_page on data |