Function |
Description |
Returns the command line string of the current process |
Returns the value of an environment variable |
Returns a Global Unique Identifier |
Generates a checksum over a given string |
Loads and evaluates JavaScript and returns the result |
Sets the value of an environment variable |
Changes the locale date and time settings to a different language |
Suspends the process for a specified amount of milliseconds |
Returns predefined application and system paths |
Returns the command line string of the current process
string uCommandLine()
uCommandLine() // returns "GridNode.exe --port 5124"
uCommandLine is not supported on UNIX.
Returns the value of an environment variable
string uGetEnv(variable)
Name of the environment variable to read
Returns a Global Unique Identifier. The following formats are available:
numeric - digits only
base64 - base64 encoded
hex - hex format without hyphens
string uGuid([format])
Format for the GUID value to be returned
uGuid() // returns for example A8A10D9F-963F-4914-8D6FC8527A50EF2A
Generates a checksum over a given string with a fixed length of 32 characters.
string uMD5(text)
Text to build a checksum on
uMD5("Austin Powers") // returns "C679A893E3DA2CC0741AC7F527B1D4EB"
Loads and evaluates JavaScript and returns the result
string uScriptLoad(filelocation)
The JavaScript file to load.
Load an external JavaScript file
Set the value of an environment variable
string uSetEnv(variable, value)
Name of the environment variable to set
Value to set
uSetEnv("LOAD_MAX_VALUE", IN.Date)
Changes the locale date and time settings to a different language
string uSetLocale([language] [, country] [, codepage])
Language string to be used (see list below)
Country name to be used (see list below)
Codepage number as string
Retrieve month names in different languages
locale:uSetLocale("English") // switch to english uMonthName("2005-03-22") // returns "March" uSetLocale("German") // switch to german
uMonthName("2005-03-22") // returns "Marz" uSetLocale("C") // switch back to OS default
The following language strings are recognized. Any language not supported by the operating system is not accepted by uSetLocale.
The three-letter language-string codes are only valid
in Windows NT and Windows 95.
Primary Language |
Sublanguage |
Language String |
Chinese |
Chinese |
"chinese" |
Chinese |
Chinese (simplified) |
"chinese-simplified" or "chs" |
Chinese |
Chinese (traditional) |
"chinese-traditional" or "cht" |
Czech |
Czech |
"csy" or "czech" |
Danish |
Danish |
"dan"or "danish" |
Dutch |
Dutch (Belgian) |
"belgian", "dutch-belgian",or "nlb" |
Dutch |
Dutch (default) |
"dutch" or "nld" |
English |
English (Australian) |
"australian", "ena", or "english-aus" |
English |
English (Canadian) |
"canadian", "enc", or "english-can" |
English |
English (default) |
"english" |
English |
English (New Zealand) |
"english-nz" or "enz" |
English |
English (UK) |
"eng", "english-uk", or "uk" |
English |
English (USA) |
english", "americanenglish", "english-american", "english-us", "english-usa", "enu", "us", or "usa" |
Finnish |
Finnish |
"fin" or "finnish" |
French |
French (Belgian) |
"frb" or "french-belgian" |
French |
French (Canadian) |
"frc" or "frenchcanadian" |
French |
French (default) |
"fra"or "french" |
French |
French (Swiss) |
"french-swiss" or "frs" |
German |
German (Austrian) |
"dea" or "germanaustrian" |
German |
German (default) |
"deu" or "german" |
German |
German (Swiss) |
"des", "german-swiss", or "swiss" |
Greek |
Greek |
"ell" or "greek" |
Hungarian |
Hungarian |
"hun" or "hungarian" |
Icelandic |
Icelandic |
"icelandic" or "isl" |
Italian |
Italian (default) |
"ita" or "italian" |
Italian |
Italian (Swiss) |
"italian-swiss" or "its" |
Japanese |
Japanese |
"japanese" or "jpn" |
Korean |
Korean |
"kor" or "korean" |
Norwegian |
Norwegian (Bokmal) |
"nor" or "norwegianbokmal" |
Norwegian |
Norwegian (default) |
"norwegian" |
Norwegian |
Norwegian (Nynorsk) |
"non" or "norwegiannynorsk" |
Polish |
Polish |
"plk" or "polish" |
Portuguese |
Portuguese (Brazil) |
"portuguese-brazilian" or "ptb" |
Portuguese |
Portuguese (default) |
"portuguese" or "ptg" |
Russian |
Russian (default) |
"rus" or "russian" |
Slovak |
Slovak |
"sky" or "slovak" |
Spanish |
Spanish (default) |
"esp" or "spanish" |
Spanish |
Spanish (Mexican) |
"esm" or "spanish-mexican" |
Spanish |
Spanish (Modern) |
"esn" or "spanish-modern" |
Swedish |
Swedish |
"sve" or "swedish" |
Turkish |
Turkish |
"trk" or "turkish" |
The following is a list of country/regions strings recognized by uSetLocale. Strings for countries/regions that are not supported by the operating system are not accepted by uSetLocale. Three-letter country/region-name codes are from ISO/IEC (International Organization for Standardization, International Electrotechnical Commission) specification 3166.
Country/Region |
Country/Region String |
Australia |
"aus" or "australia" |
Austria |
"austria" or "aut" |
Belgium |
"bel" or "belgium" |
Brazil |
"bra" or "brazil" |
Canada |
"can" or "canada" |
Czech Republic |
"cze" or "czech" |
Denmark |
"denmark" or "dnk" |
Finland |
"fin" or "finland" |
France |
"fra" or "france" |
Germany |
"deu" or "germany" |
Greece |
"grc" or "greece" |
Hong Kong SAR |
"hkg", "hong kong", or "hong-kong" |
Hungary |
"hun" or "hungary" |
Iceland |
"iceland" or "isl" |
Ireland |
"ireland" or "irl" |
Italy |
"ita" or "italy" |
Japan |
"japan" or "jpn" |
Korea |
"kor", "korea" |
Mexico |
"mex" or "mexico" |
Netherlands |
"nld", "holland", or "netherlands" |
New Zealand |
"new zealand", "new-zealand", "nz", or "nzl" |
Norway |
"nor" or "norway" |
People's Republic of China |
"china", "chn", "pr china", or "pr-china" |
Poland |
"pol" or "poland" |
Portugal |
"prt" or "portugal" |
Russia |
"rus" or "russia" |
Singapore |
"sgp" or "singapore" |
Slovak Repubic |
"svk" or "slovak" |
Spain |
"esp" or "spain" |
Sweden |
"swe" or "sweden" |
Switzerland |
"che" or "switzerland" |
Taiwan |
"taiwan" or "twn" |
Turkey |
"tur" or "turkey" |
United Kingdom |
"britain", "england", "gbr", "great britain", "uk", "united kingdom", or "united-kingdom" |
United States of America |
"america", "united states", "unitedstates", "us", or "usa" |
Suspends the process for a specified amount of milliseconds
string uSleep(msecs)
Number of milliseconds to suspend
uSleep(1000) // suspends the process for one second
Returns predefined application and system paths
string uSystemFolder([foldertype])
uSystemFolder("APP_LOG") // returns the path to the log directory
The uSystemFolder function can be used to access a special directory on the filesystem. You can specify the following folders:
Group |
Name |
Description |
Application |
The base application path. A typical path is C:\Program Files\ETL |
Application |
Shared library directory, typically in the lib folder of the applications directory |
Application |
Shared library directory, typically in the lib folder of the applications directory |
Application |
Config file directory, typically in the etc folder of the applications directory |
Application |
License directory, typically in the license folder of the applications directory |
Application |
Script directory, typically in the scripts folder of the applications directory |
Application |
Grammar directory, typically in the grammar folder of the applications directory |
Application |
Language file directory, typically in the language folder of the applications directory |
Application |
Database directory, typically in the database folder of the applications directory |
Application |
Temporary directory, typically in the temp folder of the applications directory |
Application |
Demodata directory, typically in the demodata folder of the applications directory |
Application |
Directory where userspcecific file will be stored. Typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\ETL |
Windows |
The file system directory that corresponds to the user's nonlocalized Startup program group. |
Windows |
The file system directory that serves as a common repository for application-specific data. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data. |
Windows |
The file system directory acting as a staging area for files waiting to be written to CD. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\CD Burning. |
Windows |
The file system directory containing administrative tools for all users of the computer |
Windows |
The file system directory containing application data for all users. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data. |
Windows |
The file system directory that contains files and folders that appear on the desktop for all users. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop. Valid only for Windows NT systems. |
Windows |
The file system directory that contains documents that are common to all users. A typical paths is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents. |
Windows |
The file system directory that serves as a common repository for favorite items common to all users. Valid only for Windows NT systems. |
Windows |
The file system directory that serves as a repository for music files common to all users. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Music. |
Windows |
The file system directory that serves as a repository for image files common to all users. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Pictures. |
Windows |
The file system directory that contains the directories for the common program groups that appear on the Start menu for all users. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs. Valid only for Windows NT systems. |
Windows |
The file system directory that contains the programs and folders that appear on the Start menu for all users. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu. Valid only for Windows NT systems. |
Windows |
The file system directory that contains the programs that appear in the Startup folder for all users. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup. Valid only for Windows NT systems. |
Windows |
The file system directory that contains the templates that are available to all users. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Templates. Valid only for Windows NT systems. |
Windows |
The file system directory that serves as a repository for video files common to all users. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Videos. |
Windows |
The file system directory that serves as a common repository for Internet cookies. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\username\Cookies. |
Windows |
The virtual folder representing the Windows desktop, the root of the namespace. |
Windows |
The file system directory used to physically store file objects on the desktop (not to be confused with the desktop folder itself). A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\username\Desktop. |
Windows |
The file system directory that serves as a common repository for the user's favorite items. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\username\Favorites. |
Windows |
A virtual folder containing fonts. A typical path is C:\Windows\Fonts. |
Windows |
The file system directory that serves as a common repository for Internet history items. |
Windows |
The file system directory that serves as a common repository for temporary Internet files. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files. |
Windows |
Virtual folder representing the My Documents desktop item. |
Windows |
The file system directory that serves as a common repository for music files. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents\My Music. |
Windows |
The file system directory that serves as a common repository for image files. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\My Pictures. |
Windows |
The file system directory that serves as a common repository for video files. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\My Videos. |
Windows |
A file system directory containing the link objects that may exist in the My Network Places virtual folder. It is not the same as CSIDL_NETWORK, which represents the network namespace root. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\username\NetHood. |
Windows |
The virtual folder representing the My Documents desktop item. This is equivalent to MYDOCUMENTS. |
Windows |
The file system directory that contains the link objects that can exist in the Printers virtual folder. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\username\PrintHood. |
Windows |
The user's profile folder. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\username. Applications should not create files or folders at this level; they should put their data under the locations referred to by APPDATA or LOCAL_APPDATA. |
Windows |
The Program Files folder. A typical path is C:\Program Files. |
Windows |
A folder for components that are shared across applications. A typical path is C:\Program Files\Common. Valid only for Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP systems. |
Windows |
The file system directory that contains the user's program groups (which are themselves file system directories). A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\username\Start Menu\Programs. |
Windows |
The file system directory that contains shortcuts to the user's most recently used documents. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Recent Documents. To create a shortcut in this folder, use SHAddToRecentDocs. In addition to creating the shortcut, this function updates the shell's list of recent documents and adds the shortcut to the My Recent Documents submenu of the Start menu. |
Windows |
The file system directory that contains Send To menu items. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\username\SendTo. |
Windows |
The file system directory containing Start menu items. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\username\Start Menu. |
Windows |
The file system directory that corresponds to the user's Startup program group. The system starts these programs whenever any user logs onto Windows NT or starts Windows 95. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\username\Start Menu\Programs\Startup. |
Windows |
The Windows System folder. A typical path is C:\Windows\System32. |
Windows |
The file system directory that serves as a common repository for document templates. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\username\Templates. |
Windows |
The Windows directory or SYSROOT. This corresponds to the %windir% or %SYSTEMROOT% environment variables. A typical path is C:\Windows. |