The Data Calculator

The Data Calculator component lets you perform transformations on every record passed to this component. You can freely map and transform attributes between the IN-port and OUT-port. While entering your transformation rules, you can watch and verify the incoming content, the applied transformations, and the outgoing content based on the proposed rule set.

Whenever you need to transform the content of one or more port attributes or add rules for new attributes the Data Calculator is the perfect choice. If you only need to remap attributes, you can use the mapping feature of a link without having to use a Data Calculator.

After adding a component to the project, the component window is shown. You have to create an initial mapping between the IN- and the OUT-Port of this component.

StepsTo create a mapping

  1. Select the Graph tab of the component window.

  2. Map the IN-Port and Out-Port structures by either using pre-defined mapping sequences or by connecting the IN-Port and OUT-Port attributes individually.

The two most common mapping methods are available through the Create mapping by order and Create mapping by name buttons.

After selecting a mapping sequence, the port color changes to green. The component is now ready to be used and will forward records from the IN-Port to the OUT-Port.