
Character Encoding

Support Unicode

Activate this option when the text file contains unicode data.



The fields in the file are separated by a specific character or string.

Fixed (fixed Line)

The fields and lines in the file are of fixed length. There is no line delimiter.

Fixed (variable line)

The fields in the file are of fixed length. The lines are separated by a specific character or string.

Line delimiter

Line length

Column delimiter

Read column names from row

Skip first rows

Quote characters

Null byte replacement

Modifying column names

StepsTo modify column names

  1. Right-click the current column name in the Output Port Content area and select Edit.

  2. Modify the Column Name. For a delimited file, no position parameters will be displayed.

Removing columns

To remove columns, right-click the column name in the Output Port Content area and select Remove.

Working with fixed-length file type

When a file has been qualified as fixed-length, the Add Column option in the Output Port Content area is activated. For each column to be added, click Add Column and edit Column Name, From Position and To Position. Or, you can select the range of the column to be specified in the upper File Content section.

Right-click and select Assign Position to Column. Then, enter the Column Name. The position parameters are preset according to the position of the selected area in the line.

Impact on Simulation sequence

There is no impact on Simulation sequence. For more information, view the Help Demo Transfer German Customers.