Text Data Provider

The Text Data Provider is a component that reads and transforms data from a text source with delimited or fixed length structure into a table structure. There is a great variety of character sets available to deal with almost any character representation, including Unicode character sets.

Use the Text Data Provider if you want to extract structured data from a text file. The component is designed to extract data from text files with a regular record structure with fields of either fixed length or delimited by a unique field delimiter.

StepsTo use the Text Data Provider

  1. Add the component to the project. The component window and the Open File dialog box open.

  2. Select a file or close the window to enter a name in the Text Source field. After select the file, you are prompted to select file description properties.

    While reading the file, Sybase IQ ETL tries to make best assumptions about the structure of the file, but any value can be modified.

  3. The following message appears “Do you want to generate the column definition?”. Click Yes if you want to create columns based on the current settings. Click No to create a single column.