Some functions and features that are fully supported can hinder application performance. Use these functions and features sparingly and avoid them where possible.
Response windows and message boxes Although response windows and message boxes are supported in Web Forms, use them only when absolutely necessary. Response windows and message boxes require more server-side resources than other kinds of windows.
Hiding a response window in a Web Forms application does not work properly and can cause the application to fail. Instead of hiding a response window, always close it when the user has finished with it.
Yield Although the Yield function works in a Web Forms application, avoid it whenever possible, because it requires additional server-side resources.
Timers Timers are supported in Web Forms applications, but they periodically generate postbacks and can impede data entry. Use them sparingly and avoid including them on forms that require data entry. When you use them, delay the postbacks by appropriate scripting of client-side events.
PFC The DataWindow service in PFC handles many DataWindow events. Each
event causes a postback for each mouse-click, which adversely affects application
performance. Delay postbacks by scripting client-side events or cache
DataWindow data in the client browser by setting the paging method property
for the DataWindow object to XMLClient!