Work around unsupported features

Avoid using Handle Some applications call the Handle function to get the window handle of a control and pass it to an external function. This does not work in a Web Forms application.

Restrict impact of unsupported events Since unsupported events are never triggered, do not allow the logic in unsupported events to affect the logic flow of other events or functions. For example, if the code in an unsupported event changes the value of an instance variable, it can affect the logic flow in a supported event that uses that variable. Remove this type of coding from unsupported events.

Avoid name conflicts PowerBuilder allows two objects to have the same name if they are of different types. For example, you can use the name s_address to define a structure and a static text control or a nonvisual object in the same PowerBuilder application. The .NET environment does not allow two classes to have the same name. To enable your application to compile in .NET, you must not give the same name to multiple objects, even if they are of different types.

Using structures in inherited objects Using local structures in inherited objects can prevent deployment of a .NET project. To deploy the project, replace all local structures defined in inherited objects with global structures.

AcceptText is redundant In the Web Forms deployment version of the DataWindow, explicit invocations of AcceptText are redundant but harmless. Any loss of focus of a DataWindow implicitly invokes AcceptText.