Starting and stopping databases

You can start databases when you start the server, or after the server is running. To start a database when you start the server, see “Starting the database server” for details.

Sybase recommends that you run only one database per server, especially in a production environment.

Starting a database on a running server

There are several ways to start a database on a running server.

Page size limitations

The server holds database information in memory using pages of a fixed size. Once a server has been started, you cannot load a database that has a larger Catalog page size or IQ page size than the server. For this reason, you should always set the Catalog page size to its maximum value, 32768 bytes, with the -gp switch.

Permission limitations

The -gd server command-line option determines the permission level required to start databases. By default, this option is set to DBA, so that only users with database administrator privileges can start IQ databases. However, you can also set this option to ALL or NONE. ALL means that all users can start a database. NONE means that no users, including the DBA, can start a database.

Stopping a database

You can stop a database in the following ways:

For information, see STOP DATABASE statement [DBISQL] in the Sybase IQ Reference Manual.